Cologne is always worth a visit. Having recently attended the StartupCon in the beautiful cathedral city on the Rhine in October, now the imm is calling, one of the biggest furniture fairs in the world. Short before the carnival starting, the IMM is starting with international industry experts for innovation, networking and inspiration of the latest trends such as Smart Home. 
So FluxPort integrated wireless charger should also be there. With our partner System 180, an innovative furniture manufacturer from Berlin specialised in customize and use of spaces, we showed FluxPort solutions integrated into the interior furniture systems. 

FluxPort Tables were set into individual furniture. 

FluxPort has set itself the goal of all places offer wireless charging where smartphone users might need the short refueling. Wireless Charging integrated into furniture systems is thereby a very special meaning to - because users find intuitive at work, traveling or at home, the Nachlademöglichkeit, for example, next to your PC. Therefore FluxPort cooperates with innovative furniture manufacturers such as system 180 or the manufacturers of the next board (here in this press release).

Partner network grows

The imm with 80,000 trade visitors from 128 countries took place until January 24, 2016 of 18. Overall, 1,185 companies were on site. We were very pleased with the strong interest and continue to work with great partners to implement the perfect, built-in wireless charging solution. Wireless Charging gives furniture, sideboards, counters or waiting areas an additional benefit - FluxPort will guide you into the loading areas to integrated and is your partner, from consulting, technical implementation to marketing. We will gladly provide further information on the topic "FluxPort Wireless Charging in furniture" prepared simply sign up under

Some impressions from the system 180 booth at the imm 2016, we show you here. 

System 180 mit FluxPort auf IMM Cologne 2016 - Stand  

System 180 mit FluxPort auf IMM Cologne 2016 - Stand Nahaufnahme 

System 180 mit FluxPort auf IMM Cologne 2016 - Nahaufnahme