Hotel Directors inform yourself about FluxPort HDV Autumn Conference 2015 


 Which claims entertain guests under 35? Or young families with children, the blind at the age of 10 could pass through the check-in at the airport? The "Generation Y" was the theme of this year's autumn meeting of the association of hotel managers Germany e. V. from 6 to 8 November 2015 in the Pullman Cologne in Cologne. 

Here met directors of together with the experts from FluxPort and discussed the new needs of the mobile generation. Because: With wireless Wireless Charging to becomes a new standard in hotel industry. 

Mobility and flexibility are considered as two of the main characteristics of the new generation. Ultimately, this is a hotel reservation to be made online quickly and smoothly, to the hotel stay itself. No guest of Generation Y makes do without smartphones. With FluxPort hotels can offer their guests the possibility of her cell phone to charge wirelessly - and save yourself, hold numerous charging cable available, or dissatisfied guests, which are not accessible. 

Other guests of the fall meeting were Wolfgang Bosbach, a member of the German Bundestag, Albert Darboven, CEO and owner of the coffee trading house JJDarboven GmbH & Co. KG, and Philipp Riederle, the video podcast "My iPhone and I ..." founded 14 years and thus nationally got known. 

We thank the HDV e. V. and its members for exciting interaction, the many good discussions and the great feedback. Some impressions we gathered some impressions here. 

FluxPort Wireless Charging auf der Herbsttagung des Hoteldirektorenvereinigung Deutschland e. V.

FluxPort auf der Herbsttagung des HDV e. V. im Pullman Cologne

Pressebild Herbsttagung HDV e. V.

Philipp Riederle (2. v. l.), Wolfgang Bosbach (3. v. l.) und Albert Darboven (4. v. l.) sowie Vorstand des HDV e. V. - Picture: Pressebild Hoteldirektorenvereinigung Deutschland e.V.